Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lose pounds news 15/09/2007

Lose pounds news 15/09/2007
15 pounds today and phriday filosophy. I feel like I'ma bit of a freak - I've lost 5.5 pounds in one week for the Halloween Bloggers weight loss challenge, and that kind of bothers me. Rtinka22 is on her last few pounds here and wow . ...

Letter of the day (
Regarding the comparison of the athleticism of golfers with Formula 1 drivers (Mail Bag, Sept. 4), I would like to add a few facts. It has been recorded that F-1 drivers can lose more than five pounds of water during a typical two-hour race.

WAC: Lose 25 Pounds in 5 Days or Less!
That’s right you can drop 25 pounds or more in a few days, or even minutes! Don’t get sucked into those silly weight loss schemes that promise that you can loose five pounds in 60 days by eating less and working out more. ...

Joyce Brothers: Is husband sabotaging wife's attempts to lose weight? (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)
A reader writes: "I have been trying to diet and exercise enough to lose about 20 pounds. My slender husband goes along with what I cook, but then he will surprise me with a fattening breakfast in bed or a fancy dessert. How should I handle this?"

Since then, while I been watching my portion sizes, I haven't tried to lose any weight. For what it is worth, I have only gained a pound or two since my surgery. But while I haven't lost ANYTHING, I am still losing inches and dress ...

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